Anne Fleur Kortekaas-Rijlaarsdam

CHAPTER 3 62 those clinically titrated and currently prescribed. When a child was treated with immediate release methylphenidate the long-acting equivalents was calculated taking into account differences in plasma concentrations and duration of action between the different brands of long-acting methylphenidate, as described in Banaschewski et al. (2006). Daily doses varied between 10 and 40 mg, with 27% of the children receiving 10 mg, 44% receiving 20 mg, 24% receiving 30 mg and 5% receiving 40 mg. Both active methylphenidate and placebo capsules were inserted in other capsules to ensure visual equality. Our academic pharmacist not in contact with any participants was responsible Table 3.1 Group Characteristics of the ADHD and TD Group ADHD (n=63) TD (n=67) ADHD v TD Percentage boys 68% ( n =43) 60% ( n =40) χ 2 =1.03 M SD M SD Age 10.49 1.24 10.16 1.32 t =-1.43 Race (% Caucasian) 95%( n =60) 100% ( n =67) χ 2 =3.27 Estimated IQ 97.68 13.82 106.10 12.93 t =3.45** SES 1 5.24 0.86 5.84 0.84 t =3.97** DBD parents Inattention 17.46 4.40 3.78 2.98 t =-20.86** Hyperactivity/Impulsivity 13.21 5.32 3.06 2.75 t =-13.78** ODD 7.21 4.28 CD 1.68 2.43 DBD teacher Inattention 16.40 4.88 Hyperactivity/Impulsivity 11.89 6.91 ODD 4.92 4.82 CD 1.14 2.24 DISC parents Inattention 7.83 1.16 Hyperactivity/Impulsivity 6.22 2.40 ODD 2.95 2.29 CD 0.46 1.08 Note . ADHD Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder; TD Typically developing controls; SES Socio-economic- status; DBD Disruptive Behavior Disorder rating scale; ODD Oppositional defiant disorder; CD Conduct disorder; 1 SES was measured by parental educational level (average of both parents) with the Dutch classification system (Verhage, 1983): 1 = no education, 2 = kindergarten, 3 = primary education, 4 = secondary vocational education, 5 = secondary general education, 6 = undergraduate school, 7 = graduate school, 8 = post-graduate education ** p<.01