
xenogeneic chondrocytes. [74, 273-275] Therefore, it appears to be an excellent model to study cell-specific contributions to tissue formation. In conclusion, this study demonstrates that 80% of chondrocytes can be replaced by either h AMSCs or h BMSCs without influencing cartilage matrix production nor stability. Besides, our results support a general trophic role for h AMSCs and h BMSCs on chondrocytes in co-culture that does not need direct cell-cell contact. These data provide information that can be used to further optimize cell-based cartilage repair. Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank dr. Jeanine Hendriks (CellcoTec, Bilthoven, the Netherlands) for her valuable ideas during preparation of this manuscript. We also acknowledge the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery (Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands) for their assistance in obtaining bone marrow aspirates. The study was performed within the framework of EuroNanoMed (EAREG-406340-131009/1) and funded by SenterNovem. 104 CHAPTER 5