
privileged. [282] Alternatively, instead of using culture-expanded h BMSCs it might even be considered to use the mononuclear fraction of freshly isolated autologous bone marrow. [283] In summary, this study demonstrates that constructs containing a combination of 80% h BMSCs and 20% b ECs or b NCs produced similar quantities of cartilage matrix components as constructs containing chondrocytes only. Therefore, 80% of the chondrocytes can easily be replaced by h BMSCs without influencing cartilage matrix production. Using this procedure, the chondrocytes need no culture-expansion in vitro , supporting the use of a one-stage cell- based cartilage repair procedure for cartilage defects in the head and neck area. Acknowledgment The authors would like to thank dr. Jeanine Hendriks (CellcoTec, Bilthoven, the Netherlands) for her valuable ideas during preparation of this manuscript. We further thank Nicole Kops (Department of Orthopaedics, Erasmus MC, University Medical Center, Rotterdam) for histological and immunohistochemical processing of the constructs. Last, we acknowledge the department of orthopaedic surgery for their assistance in obtaining bone marrow aspirates. The study was performed within the framework of EuroNanoMed (EAREG-406340-131009/1) and funded by SenterNovem. 123 CO-CULTURE: A PROMISING CELL-BASED THERAPY FOR FACIAL CARTILAGES 6