Pranav Bhagirath

118 Chapter 6 Figure 3. Key components during an iCMR EP procedure. ThekeycomponentsofeveryiCMREPprocedure.Blocksdepicttheneedsoftheinterventionalist. Circles indicate the requirements from the scanner and imaging interface. Vurtigo The visualization Platform for Real-time, MRI-guided Cardiac Electroanatomic Mapping (Vurtigo) is another open source platform-independent application that provides useful features for interventional EP 45 . The core of Vurtigo is the Geometry server, a storage space containing images, plane orientations and catheter information. Vurtigo can communicate directly with the scanner through a plugin (OpenIGTLink), allowing direct manipulation of the scan plane. In addition, this software tool also offers the possibility to integrate pre-existing electro- anatomical maps (EAM) with acquired volume and tissue-characterization images. This can facilitate the ablation by generating procedural roadmaps, incorporating anatomical information and tissue substrate. RTHawk RTHawk is an advanced development platform to design, simulate and run MRI applications (sequences, reconstruction pipelines). 46 In addition, there are possibilities for rapidly switching between different pulse sequences and performing real-time post- processing. Furthermore, it also enables integration of the designed applications with external hardware e.g. interventional devices. Unfortunately, sparse information with respect to this platform is currently available.