Pranav Bhagirath

120 Chapter 6 Headsets Initial MR-headsets used fiber optic cables and limited the working radius of the interventionalist. More recent technology offers wireless communication and supports multiple headsets. Opto-acoustics uses infra-red (IR) technology to full wireless coverage in both the scanning room and the control room. Projection systems High definition beamers can be shielded and installed in the iCMR. These commercially available systems offer a resolution of 1080p and can be configured to display multiple data streams. Patient safety Telemetry Conventional ablations rely on both intracardiac and surface electrocardiograms (ECG) recorded during the intervention. However, surface electrocardiograms get distorted in the MRI due to the magneto-hydrodynamic effect caused by the static magnetic field (B 0 ). Additional interference is caused due to the switching gradients and results in further deformation of the ECG signal. Such ECG artifacts can also lead to trigger problems and consequently suboptimal image quality. There are currently no commercial solutions for 12-lead ECG monitoring in the MRI. Recent human studies have successfully demonstrated the feasibility of a custommade 12-lead ECG acquisition during a CMR study 47 . This is accomplished using custommade filtering hardware and provides reliable ECG signals with a SNR loss <5%. No adverse events e.g. electrode heating or surface burns were reported. Sedation Recent studies advocate the importance of sedation during complex ablative procedures (e.g. atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia) 48 . Sedation reduces patient discomfort and can result in shorter and more effective procedures. In order to operate under sedation, the intervention room set up requires basic anesthesia equipment e.g. ventilator, vital signs recorders (PO2, blood-pressure, respiration) and ECG monitors. Advanced MRI-compatible anesthesia equipment is available (Aestiva/5 MRI, Datex- Ohmeda, Madison, WI), and can be easily transferred into the iCMR environment.