Pranav Bhagirath

139 Integrated whole-heart computational workflow for inverse potential mapping and personalized simulations nodes were assigned a potential versus time activation curve. A standard potential curve was chosen for this purpose. For each individual node, this curve was offset by the local activation time which was computed by the first come first serve principle. Based upon the results of the simulations an isochronal activation map was generated. RESULTS All volunteers underwent the MRI examination in 12 ±2 minutes; there were no complications. Table 1. Clinical characteristics of study patients. Volunteers Patients n 3 8 Age (years) 28 ± 3 46 ± 13 BMI 22.1 ± 1.4 25.2 ± 6.7 Female (%) 1 (33%) 7 (88%) LVEF (%) 55 ± 2 50 ± 3 Whole-heart computational model For each volunteer, five different volumes were defined at the atrial level consisting of the left and right atrium, IAS and the mitral and tricuspid valvular planes. The ventricular volumes were defined as the left and right ventricle and IVS (video 1). Limited interaction (<5 minutes) was required to create the meshes with (virtual) structural heart disease. Mesh generation was typically completed in seconds and required no further post- processing. IPM in sinus rhythm During sinus rhythm, the first point of activation on the potential map of all healthy volunteers was located near the crista terminalis of the superior vena cave into the right atrium ( figure 2a ). The first point of ventricular epicardial breakthrough was located at the right ventricular free wall. This corresponds to the location where the moderator band was attached to the ventricular myocardium ( figure 2b ). During this time, a high potential distribution is observed at the right atrial wall, indicating the atrial repolarization ( figure 2a ).