Pranav Bhagirath

141 Integrated whole-heart computational workflow for inverse potential mapping and personalized simulations Simulations The cardiac activation cycle (sinus rhythm) was successfully simulated on all healthy computational meshes of the healthy volunteers. The generated virtual isochrones maps depicted cardiac activation patterns in accordance with the literature ( figure 3 and video 2) [13] . The simulations for computational meshes with structural abnormalities (edema and scar), were also completed successfully. The mesh with a pre-defined virtual edema region demonstrated a delayed activation pattern ( figure 4 ), whereas, a complete conductional block was observed for the computational mesh containing virtual transmural scar ( figure 4 ). DISCUSSION To our knowledge, this is the first study to integrate and evaluate IPM and cardiac activation simulations within a clinically applicablewhole-heart workflow. The proposed computational workflow provided accurate IPM reconstructions and enabled patient- specific simulations to be performed. The use of MRI enables visualization and incorporation of tissue-characteristics in computational meshes. In addition, an integrated IPM and simulation based approach facilitates a comprehensive assessment of arrhythmias and underlying substrate. These two factors significantly contribute towards the clinical applicability of this workflow and offer a unique environment for the development and evaluation of patient tailored therapeutic strategies. IPM The IPM localized the origin of atrial activity to the anatomically known location of the sinus node [14] , suggesting the correctness of the model. These results imply that sinus node function and also dysfunction may be non-invasively characterized and assessed using IPM. The ability to reconstruct atrial depolarization and repolarization can also contribute to novel clinical insights in the electrical substrate of complex supra-ventricular tachycardia’s such as left atrial flutter and atrial fibrillation.