Pranav Bhagirath

155 Computing volume potentials for noninvasive imaging of cardiac excitation ! Figure 2. (a) Using a tetrahedral mesh with an edge length of 1.5 cm computed position of the 4V equipotential plane (white) deviates from the measured position that was in the middle of the tank. Refining the mesh to an edge length of 0.5 cm increases the deviation. A large potential drop was observed in the vicinity of positive electrode, which is indicated by the white wireframe, both for the fine (b) and the crude (c) grid. Artifacts depend on the exact location of the grid cells with respect to the electrodes, which may be coincidentally more asymmetric with the fine grid. (d). In the middle of the tank, the x coordinate (green axis) varies rapidly as a function of the potential. (e). Large electrodes render the position of the 4V equipotential plane insensitive to the mesh cell size at the same time decreasing the deviation from the middle.