Pranav Bhagirath

168 Chapter 9 literature (thorax: 0.2 S/m, lungs: 0.04 S/m, liver: 0.03 S/m and spleen: 0.04 S/m) [12]. Gmsh software [13] was used for the generation of a volume mesh, required for the simulations ( figure 1 ). RV RA LA RL LL LV Figure 1. Example of a 3D volume mesh used for the simulations. This volume mesh was generated after segmentation of the thoracic organs on the MRI images. RL right lung, LL left lung, RA right atrium, LA left atrium, RV, right ventricle, LV left ventricle. Forward simulation Figure 2 provides a complete overview of the forward and inverse procedures used in this research, as described previously [14]. Propagation of electrical activity through the tissue elements of the whole-heart model was simulated using Moller-Trumbore [15] and Floyd-Warshall algorithms [16], yielding isochrones. From these isochrones, time dependent epicardial source potentials were computed by applying location specific activation curves. From the source potentials and in conjunction with the different tissue conductivities, BSP were computed by