Pranav Bhagirath

170 Chapter 9 Electrode configura/ons 252 surrounding 62 concentrated 62 super-concentrated 62 surrounding Figure 3. Anterior view of the thorax. Four different electrode configurations were used for the simulation part of the study: 252 electrodes surrounding the thorax, 62 surrounding the thorax, 62 concentrated (inter-electrode distance 30mm) and super-concentrated (inter-electrode distance 20mm). The yellow markers on the 3D thorax model represent the electrodes. Reference configuration 252 electrodes surrounding the thorax. This configuration served as a reference, since this number of electrodes is the current standard in body surface potential mapping (BSPM). • Configuration I 62 electrodes surrounding the thorax. • Configuration II 62 concentrated (30 mm inter-electrode distance) electrodes directly overlaying the heart. • Configuration III 62 super-concentrated (20 mm inter-electrode distance) electrodes directly overlaying the heart. Inverse reconstruction of recorded human data Study population Three different electrode layouts were subsequently used to record data in three healthy volunteers (mean age 28 ± 1 year).